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Last update: 21 October 2017
Welcome to the Translation Concepts
We are an international network of young & experienced
researchers who conceptualize ‘mediated communication’ as Translation Concepts
(coherence, context, isotopy, theme/rheme) in an effort to consolidate the
theoretical framework of Translation and raise the general awareness of its
complexity as a communicative task. By discussing and reflecting upon authentic
translation and interpreting scenarios as well as specific questions emanating
from the emerging new fields of audiodescription, live subtitling and written
interpretation we develop and publish concepts, models and methodologies for
translational task analysis, transfer and (re)production processes.
The Translation Concepts Network
- interacts with research initiated by
- Advanced Translation Research Center (ATRC) at Saarland University,
- the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschwissenschaft (DGÜD, German Federation of Translation and Interpreting Science),and INTISA
- the European Society for Translation Studies (EST)
- integrates training experience from nine Marie Curie high
level scientific Euroconferences and PhD schools at the Universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Prague, Saarbrücken and Vienna.
- draws on the innovative thought potential of MuTra PhD, an offspring of the Euroconference Phd Schools at Aarhus, Copenhagen, Prague, Saarbrücken and Vienna.
