What is a Principle?
It is a guideline helping to channel thoughts or developments in thought processes comparable
to an air corridor for piloting an air plane when landing. The thinking process is consistent within the limits and
constraints defined beforehand. In other words: Principles control the degrees of freedom of thought and rational behavior.
The Principles proposed here (Fan-Fixing-Principle, Principle of Atomism, Holism and Hol-Atomism, The ICS-Principle
(individual, collective, systems level, Principle of Kommunikant Views, Hexagon Model of language use (Utterance Model of language),
Theme Rheme Model, Sense-giving model, Tetrade model of speech acts, Inference (pragma-logical inference), Principle of scientific
work (research and text) (all Principles see separate entries) here are universal in the sense that they are widely applicable to thinking,
feeling, acting and speaking in general and in the sciences across languages and cultures. They are important as well for heuristics as
they can pilot the approaches to an explanation.The words model or theory are also used for the description of complex structures behind
a principle.Each principle has a descriptive aspect as far as it describes an existing scientific behavior. It has a prescriptive aspect
as far as it requires to follow the path once chosen. Therefore a person is free to choose a particular Principle, but once adopted
s/he is bound to stay consistent within the rules of this particular Principle.
(revised from Mudersbach 2007).