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Translation Concepts News

The news presented here are thought to be of interest in relation to Translation Concepts.
We will continually add suggested information. Please help to keep the links updated and informative by your suggestions to


  • Next Round of Translation Talks 'Beyond Words...' ("Was das Wort nicht sagen kann") at ATRC in cooperation with the Literaturarchiv Saar-Lor-Lux-Elsass on
    February 7, 2014, starting at 2 p.m. 

    More information (PDF)

  • ATRC Workshops January 2014 at Saarland University

    • 11 January 2014: Analysis, Comparison & (Re)Production of Texts, qualitative research methods
    • 25 January 2014: Subtitling
    • 1-2 February 2014: Practical Speech-to-Text Workshop
    • 8 February 2014: Workshop on Audiodescription with Dr Bernd Benecke (9h30, Building A2.4)
    More information (PDF)

  • Events WS 2013/14
    General Topic:

    All languages „ include an untranslatable world“, which is “nevertheless translatable to a certain degree“.
    (Karl Jaspers, 41991:395 ).

    This apparent (in) compatibility may lead us to think of the principle of ‘linguistic relativity’ in language philosophy, Humboldt’s thought that language is the expression of a nation’s spirit or the ensuing “Sapir–Whorf hypothesis”. It lies at the heart of our discussions in the PhD colloquia and events scheduled for this coming winter term 2013/2014. Karl Jaspers offers a global perspective to the philosophical debate by projecting the potential for ‚universal communication’ (‘grenzenlose Kommunikation als Welt­philosophie’) as a basis for peaceful understanding and communication beyond national borders.

    In his essay on language (1947, 41991) Jaspers indicates a possible way out of the incompatibility dilemma by suggesting to place more emphasis on the ‘opinion of speakers or hearers’ when trying to understand and interpret texts instead of focussing on language, i.e. words, and the potential facts as they appear in language (ebda: 400). This thought reflects itself for instance in his central concepts of ‘ciphers’ (‘Chiffren’) and ‘transcendence’ (‘Transzendenz’) (Karl Jaspers 31977 Chiffren der Transzendenz).

    Universal communication is a philosophy of particular urgency for translators and interpreters. How can we establish ‘the opinions of speakers and hearers’, let alone responsibly relay them to others? What is fact and what is assumption and how do the two interact in texts or discourses that we need to understand in order to ‘mediate’ them? Linguistically ‚acting for others’, i.e. mediated communication (Translation) thus forms an indispensable part of universal communication in its factual dimension.

    Jaspers’ existenz philosophy proceeds from the potential existenz of the individual (emanating from the individual’s possible freedom), extends to the community (an individual can only be free, i.e. be aware of her existenz to the extent that other individuals are free and aware of their existenz) and reaches out to en­compass the world community. Existenz manifests itself in communication (‘existentielle Kommunikation’) with the potential of extending beyond national boundaries as universal communication. This ‘enlightening existential encounter’ is realizable in stages, which embrace the stages of 

    • Comparing (as identifying common traits and differences with the ‘other’)
    • Understanding (as sharing with the ‘other’)
    • Struggling jointly for truth (as questioning, objecting, refuting, challenging, hearing and preserving one’s self,

    These fundamental thoughts are strikingly similar to the translatory phases of understanding (reception), compatibility comparison (culture/language transfer) and (re)contextualization ((re)production or ‘trans­mutation’) within
    mediated communication. Although this parallel is absent from Jaspers’ thoughts, it may be safe to say that universal communication presupposes mediated communication. Against this background the doctoral colloquia in this winter term 2013/2014 will focus on central translation concepts like ‘free:arbitrary:loyal’ or ‘evident:transcendent:transparent’ with a view to the limits of translatability in current dissertation projects.


    Sunwoo, June (2012):
    Zur Operationalisierung des Übersetzungszwecks. Modell und Methode. Münster u.a.: LitVerlag, Chapter 3, esp. sections 3.5 (54ff) and 3.7.4 (99ff)

    English only readers
    : for orientation purposes it may be helpful to resort to an earlier short summary: Min Sunwoo,Operationalizing the translation purpose, available at www.euroconferences/proceedings (2007).
    See also

  • 7 August 2013
    Ausschreibung für Zuschuss zum Promotionsstudium an der Universität des Saarlandes
    Schwerpunkt Translation

    Bewerbungsfrist: 01.09.2013
    Weitere Informationen (PDF)

  • 22 June 2013
    Tag der offenen Tür

    "Promovieren geht über studieren": Mit MuTra-DoktorandInnen im Gespräch
    Saarland University
    10 a.m. - 3 p.m., building A1 3, room 1.18
    Programm (PDF)

  • Summer Semester 2013

    General Topic:

    • Local Phd seminars/lokale Doktorandenseminare
      Program (PDF)
      Wednesdays/mittwochs 10-12h - building A1 3, room 1.18
      research methodology seminars for doctoral candidates

    • Weekend Research Workshops/Wochenend-Kolloquien with guests/mit Gästen
      'What is this thing called 'Viva' '?
      20 April 2013: 4 p.m. - 6 p.m., building A2 4, room 216 II a and
      22 April 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., building B3 2, Kleiner SItzungssaal der Philosophischen Fakultäten

    • Translation Roundtable/Übersetzergespräche 2 in cooperation with Saar-Lor-Lux-
      Elsass Literaturarchiv:
      'Erzählte Bilder'/'Translating the Image' (PDF)

      As translators
      and interpreters, we are all painfully aware of the phenomenon that not everything we know, think and feel when communicating is in effect ‘sayable’ in informational terms or in a thematic assertion. Yet we do need to grasp and express individual perceptions or projections and even bodily sensations by words in different languages against different world views when we mediate communication to enable people to understand each other’s messages.

      Is this possible? The theoretical answer is, of course, ‘no’. But we still practically translate every day by transferring into ‘naïve’ language from auditory, epicritical or visual domains and from temporal order into spatial organization in an effort to reach beyond the materiality of language. This ‘multidimensional translation’ typically involves questions around the axes of visibility/invisibility, loyalty/betrayal or integrity/promiscuity in the border areas of ‘untranslatibility’.

      The challenges and questions that arise in such situations will be in focus during our discussions in this summer semester’s series of events, in which MuTra PhDs will discuss their dissertation projects in the light of the challenges and limits of multidimensional translation: theatre translation, audiodescription, subtitling and/or written interpretation. The formats include research seminars, roundtable talks and practical workshops. They will be digitalized and offered as freely accessible e-learning modules on the internet thanks to the support and cooperation with Professor Igel (CelTech Saarbrücken).

    • Practical Workshops 'Written Interpretation'/Speech-to-text
      English (JPG)German (JPG)
      with Birgit Nofftz, deputy chair of the German Association of Written Interpreters
      June 1 and June 8 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at CIP-Pool der Philosophischen Fakultäten, building C5 4, room 1.09
      Hands-on introduction into the complex translation of the auditory into the visual dimension with speech-to-text technology.
           All events are open to the public and free of charge.

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